Sunday, April 6, 2008

Busy Conference Weekend

I had a great weekend, but a busy one. On Friday night I got to take pictures of Larry and Lynette's adorable family. Then we had a missionary discussion with Cheryl Ward who is getting baptized this Saturday.

On Saturday morning, we had the Elders (Burton and Pieper) and Cheryl over for breakfast -- stuffed french toast, sausage, and tater tots. It was yummy. Then I took some pictures of our favorite elders serving in the North Stake.
We watched conference, then we helped Cheryl move from one apartment to another in the same building. Talk about CRAZY! There was nothing packed when we arrived, about 40 people from the ward came, and within 1-1/2 hours everything was moved. It was a fun service project. We watched the second session of conference, then Kevin fixed a flat tire on my Yukon XL, I did four loads of laundry and cleaned the bathrooms, Drew did the dishes, and Jaxon sorted the laundry so I could start the loads. Daria napped and Trey mostly whined. Kevin went to Priesthood Session with an inactive guy in our ward, and then he watched part of the NCAA final four games on the internet.

Great progress in the weaning category for Trey this week!!! A few days ago after I had tried every possible kind of cup on th market, I tried a bottle with him again and he drank from it!! I am now only nursing him 3 times a day (down from 6), so I feel like I'm really making some headway! Finally, after 10 months, I can be away from him for more than 2 hours at a time. I think we both need a little independence!

Today we had another two great sessions of conference. We went to Kevin's parents' house for dinner with relatives who were visiting from out of town (Kevin's aunt Marjorie and Uncle Vernan as well as his cousin Amy and Amy's fiance Russell), as well as his parents and sisters Kathryn and Shauna with husband Jeremiah. Of course we played Wackee Six (Kathryn and Shauna are addicted), and I lost, but at least I got to play because Trey napped. Tonight I got to talk to Mom and Dad one last time before they fly to Germany tomorrow. They are going to have such a wonderful time. I'm more than excited to hear everything they are up to.

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